Dr. Larissa Pschetz
Senior Lecturer in Design at the University of Edinburgh
Fellow at the Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI) (since 05.2019)
Informatics Forum / Bayes Centre
11 Crichton St
Design Informatics, Office 1.53
Edinburgh, EH8 9AB
l.pschetz [ at ] ed.ac.uk
phone: +44 01316502974
This page was last updated in 2020. For more recent activities, please visit my University of Edinburgh Research Profile
Research interests
I am an interaction designer, researcher and lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. My research is in Design and related areas of Human Computer-Interaction, Social Sciences and Humanities. I am particularly interested in socio-technological narratives and how they can influence and be shaped by design practice. My current research focuses on:
Inclusive IoT: How IoT devices and systems can be designed to better integrate groups that are at the periphery of dominant narratives of technological development. Recent projects that explore this theme include the GigBliss hairdryers, Bitbarista, and CariCrop.
Temporal Design: The concept was the basis of my PhD, motivated by a critique to perspectives of time in design, which are highly influenced by dominant narratives that describe time as uniform, external to human and non-human practices, and in a state of continuous acceleration. Temporal Design attempts to incorporate a new perspective that looks at time as emerging out of relations between cultural, social, economic and political forces. Temporal Design is discussed in my thesis, and in subsequent publications at Interactions, DRS2016 proceedings and Design Studies.
Biodesign: How the incorporation of biological systems can challenge the way we design and understand artefacts, systems and social relationships. I have taught Biodesign for 2 years, together with Dr. Naomi Nakayama, and have helped to organise exhibitions, workshops and events in the area. More information about the course can be found here.
Research outputs
An updated list of research outputs, funding and activities is available in my university profile.Work experience
Programme Director:
Product Design, ECA (09.2016-08.2021)
Design researcher:
University of Edinburgh, ECA (2014-2015)
Microsoft Research Asia (2013)
Microsoft Research Cambridge (2012)
IBM Watson Research, Center for Social Software (2010)
FHP Potsdam, Interaction Design Lab (2007-2008)
Interaction designer:
HID, Hamburg (2009)
IxDS – Interaction Design Studios, Berlin (2007)
PGCert. University of Edinburgh – UK (2020)
PhD in Design. Microsoft Research PhD Programme, w.
University of Dundee & University of Edinburgh (2014)
MA in Interface Design. FHP Potsdam – Germany (2007)
BA in Industrial Design. UERJ ESDI – Brazil (2004)
BA in Journalism. UFRJ – Brazil (2002)
Teaching experience
- EFI Postgraduate Course: Representing Data (Fusion online & on-site), course organisation and teaching from 2021.
Biodesign (Design Informatics, PG), course organisation and teaching from 16/17 to 17/18.
Histories and Futures of Technology (Design Informatics, PG), teaching from 15/16 to 16/17.
Product Design Studio (Product Design, PG), course organisation and teaching 15/16.
Design from Data (Design Elective, UG, 1st and 2nd years), course organisation and teaching from 15/16 to 17/18.
Designing Social Narratives (Product Design, UG, 2nd year), course organisation and teaching from 15/16 to 18/19.
Transactions (Product Design, UG, 3rd year), course organisation and teaching from 15/16 to 18/19.
Design Research 3 (Product Design, UG, 3rd year), course organisation and teaching from 16/17 to 17/18.
Design Research 4 (Product Design, UG, 4th year), course organisation and teaching from 17/18 to 18/19.
Design Studio 4 (Product Design UG 4th year), course organisation from 17/18 to 18/19.
- Professional Practice 4 (Product Design UG 4th year), course organisation from 17/18 to 18/19.
Gruen, D., Hupfer, S., Levy, S., Muller, M., Schmolze, K., Pschetz, L., & Wolf, F. Deployment of location based applications with crowdsourced structured points of input for data entry. IBM Corporation. April 2012: US 20120102164-A1
Gruen, D., Hupfer, S., Levy, S., Muller, M., Schmolze, K., Pschetz, L., & Wolf, F. Crowdsourcing location based applications and structured data for location based applications. IBM Corporation. April 2012: US 20120102165-A1
Prototyping skills
Advanced: Web Development (RoR, PHP, XML, CSS, MySQL, JavaScript including d3.js and jquery etc.) Processing, and Hardware Prototyping (with Arduino, PIC, etc.)
Intermediate: C#, Objective-C, Java
Fluent: English, German, Portuguese
Advanced: Spanish, French
Basic: Mandarin, Dutch
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